Exercise in Medicine

Just before Christmas we arranged our 6th seminar on Exercise in Medicine in Trondheim. Over 100 scientists were gatered to present and discuss existing and future research projects within exercise in medicine. We want to thank all our guests for coming all the way to Trondheim to participate in the seminar. We had some interesting and inspiring days, and are looking forward to future collaborations.

A Journey to Hell and Back: Man in Extreme Environments

Man in Extreme environments 2015 Justin Jonesy«A Journey to Hell and Back» is the name of the unsupported expedition to the South Pole and back, carried out by Justin Jones and James Castrission. December 18th they told their breathtaking story during our event «Man in Extreme Environment» at Brukbar/Blæst in Trondheim. Who would believe that two guys from Australia would be the first persons ever managing this? It’s a saying that Norwegians are born with skis, but Australians for sure aren’t. They skied for the very first time 15 months before the expedition started.

In fact, a Norwegian, Aleksander Gamme, could have beaten the Justin Jones and James Castrission, but he waited for the Australians three kilometers before the finish line, so they all could cross it together. Great sportsmanship from our own Aleksander Gamme.

Emil Eide Erikssen was also on stage telling his story of rowing across the Atlantic Sea. An impressing story about two years of preparing, sore buttocks, courage, and battling the harsh sea.

Three fantastic men on stage with impressive, entertaining and inspiring stories to tell, made this a great night to remember. Thank you Cas, Jones and Emil!


“En reise til helvete og tilbake” – bli med på “Man in Extreme Environments”

Plakat Man in Extreme 2015Kjære alle eventyrlystne, ventetiden for ett nytt Man in Extreme Environments er snart over. Dette er tredje gang Man in Extreme Environments arrangeres og tidligere år har vi blitt trollbundet av fantastiske historier fra de store dyp til verdensrommet. Årets program er minst like unikt som tidligere utgaver og CERG har den store gleden å invitere alle til en storslått kveld på Brukbar/Blæst Fredag 18 desember kl 1900.

Se bilder fra Man in Extreme Environments 2013 med Paul Rose, Børge Ousland og Christopher McDugall her!

Årets program består av følgende foredragsholdere:

1.      Emil Eide Eriksen – “Rowing the Atlantic”

Vi trengte ikke gå lenger enn til Trondheim for å finne en som har gjort noe svært imponerende. I 2011 rodde han og en kamerat 5000km i 59 dager non stop, uten noen eksterne forsyninger, i en 6,9 meter lang robåt, tvers over Atlanterhavet.

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En god blanding av blod, svette, latter og store opplevelser

Inger-Lise Aamot løper St. OlavsloppetSommerens vakreste eventyr er over, og i år kom vi i mål som nummer 53 totalt, fem plasseringer bedre enn i 2014. Det er fjerde året vi stiller lag så det er bare å glede seg til femårsjubileum i 2016.

I år klinket vi til med 4:26 min/km, bare sju minutter saktere enn i 2014. Vi har hatt snitttider på 4:27, 4:11 og 4:24 min/km i 2012, 2013 og 2014. Vi er stabile i prestasjon og veldig fornøyde. Tusen takk til våre flinke lagledere Inger Lise Aamot og Bjarne M. Nes som har lagt ned mange dugnadstimer i laglogistikk og organisering

Vi er svært stolte over at vi er et lag med like mange damer som menn, og vi er det tredje beste rene bedriftslag. Tradisjonen tro blir vi slått av Trondheim Brannkorps og Politiet i Sør Trøndelag som imponerer hvert år. Tidligere har vi knivet med blant annet Klæbu 2, Budal og Søskenbarna Fuglem, og i år trakk de alle det lengste strået. Til neste år skal vi legge oss i rygg! Vi har dessverre ikke løpt i samme pulje som Kung Sture i år. Det håper vi at vi skal gjøre igjen til neste år sånn at vi får være med på livet de lager langs løypa.

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International Scholar Award to Linda Ernstsen

ACSM logo

Linda ErnstsenAmerican College of Sports Medicine’s 62nd Annual Meeting, 6th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine® and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise Fatigue is held May 26-30, 2015 San Diego, California. This is the most comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference in the world with more than 6000 participants.

It is a great pleasure to announce that ACSM has selected Linda Ernstsen from K.G. Jebsen Center of Exercise in Medicine as the 2015 ACSM Oded Bar-Or International Scholar Award recipient.

The price allows Dr. Ernstsen to work with, and learn from, the world-leading expert in “Exercise Epidemiology” Professor Steven Blair at Departments of Exercise Science and Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA, for 3 months. Currently she lives in South Carolina and have already started her work with Professor Blair and his research group where the aim is to learn new methodological approaches within epidemiological and clinical research on the association between physical fitness, mental health and cognitive function.

On Friday May 29, she will be recognized and receive the price at the ACSM Awards Banquet. K.G. Jebsen Center of Exercise in Medicine is proud of Ernstsen´s achievement, wish her all the best of luck working at University of South Carolina, and look forward to get her back home with new knowledge that will benefit our research group.

Ulrik Wisløff, professor and head of CERG

Communication of scientific data – The CERG approach

Professor Ulrik Wisløff speaking under Bondi Fitness Festival. Rowers in front. Audience in the backgroundCommunication and dissemination is an important part of the research chain. Unfortunately, scientists too often overlook communication with the general public, or tend to speak our ”tribal” language, making it hard to understand the implications of scientific results.

Within the CERG group we work hard with this aspect, and try to reach out to the general public through several social media channels, user-friendly health and physical activity tools, media contributions, welcoming visitors to our lab, and attendance at both scientific and public events. Having many followers of our work humbles us, and we hope our effort in communicating the implications of our research is helping as many people as possible.

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The fitness age of crossfitters

Last week we measured maximal oxygen uptake in several crossfit athletes at Crossfit Bondi. Below you can read about how their age corresponded with their fitness age.

See video and pictures from the tests in this post: How fit are crossfitters?

Crossfit Bondi Testing


Cross fit is a workout method using a combination og endurance and strength exercise training, implementing the interval exercise principle quite a bit during training. During the Bondi Fitness Festival Professor Ulrik Wisløff presented the results from the maximal oxygen uptake testing at Bondi Corssfit, together with a presentation of our main reserach focus and results, in addition to a demonstration of high intensity interval training performed by the two Crossfit Bondi members, Carlo and Cora.

The men at Crossfit Bondi had an average maximal oxygen uptake of 50 mL/kg/min, and with a mean biological age of  33 years old, their fitness age corresponded to 24 years of age.

The women at Crossfit Bondi had an average maximal oxygen uptake of 50 mL/kg/min as well, and with a mean biological age of  35, their fitness age corresponded to 18 years of age, making them relative more fit than the men tested.

Find your fitness age by using our Fitness Calculator thet you can find here!



What’s the energy cost of cross fit?

We are going to find out that tomorrow when we are testing 17 members of Cross Fit Bondi. Today we were at the cross fit club to set up and test the equipment. We tested Richard Thomas and Adam Lindsey and it worked! The testing is a part of the preparation for Bondi Fitness Festival that we are participating in on Friday. If you are in Sydney and wants to join us, buy tickets here!

We are looking forward to a bussy, but exiting day tomorrow testing from 0630 to 2000. We will keep you up to date!


Trondheim as a smart, healthy and active city

Sunset from Keiservarden in BodøIs it possible to build a new part of Trondheim into a health and environmental friendly city for its inhabitants?

Trondheim health cluster and NTNU recently hosted a 2 day work shop discussing how to develop the Rotvoll area into a smart healthy city part. Through an interdisciplinary discussion, several key focus areas including health, mobility in town, road and housing structure, pollution, noise and new innovative technologies were presented and discussed.

Through interdisciplinary planning it is possible to develop a moving city, allowing for walking and biking as the main mode of transportation, availability of healthy food and environmentally sustainable choices. To achieve this, the smart choices need to be the easiest choice to make.

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“The Saltin Symposium; Exercise and Integrative Physiology”

Ulrik Wisløff sammen med Bengt Saltin da han besøkte CERG i 2013.

Ulrik Wisløff together with Bengt Saltin during his wisit to CERG in 2013.

In September one of the most important physiologists in the world, Professor Bengt Saltin, passed away.

June 2nd – 4th 2015 “The Saltin Symposium; Exercise and Integrative Physiology” will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The symposium is arranged to honour and commemorate the scientific work of Professor Bengt Saltin. Saltin would have celebrated his 80th birthday on June 3rd 2015.

The symposium program will encompass and highlight the major fields, in which Bengt Saltin made landmark contributions, from both a historical and an up-to-date cutting-edge scientific perspective.

The symposium will have a limited number of participants. Registration will start in January 2015 on a first come-first served basis.