Exercise in Medicine

Just before Christmas we arranged our 6th seminar on Exercise in Medicine in Trondheim. Over 100 scientists were gatered to present and discuss existing and future research projects within exercise in medicine. We want to thank all our guests for coming all the way to Trondheim to participate in the seminar. We had some interesting and inspiring days, and are looking forward to future collaborations.

A Journey to Hell and Back: Man in Extreme Environments

Man in Extreme environments 2015 Justin Jonesy«A Journey to Hell and Back» is the name of the unsupported expedition to the South Pole and back, carried out by Justin Jones and James Castrission. December 18th they told their breathtaking story during our event «Man in Extreme Environment» at Brukbar/Blæst in Trondheim. Who would believe that two guys from Australia would be the first persons ever managing this? It’s a saying that Norwegians are born with skis, but Australians for sure aren’t. They skied for the very first time 15 months before the expedition started.

In fact, a Norwegian, Aleksander Gamme, could have beaten the Justin Jones and James Castrission, but he waited for the Australians three kilometers before the finish line, so they all could cross it together. Great sportsmanship from our own Aleksander Gamme.

Emil Eide Erikssen was also on stage telling his story of rowing across the Atlantic Sea. An impressing story about two years of preparing, sore buttocks, courage, and battling the harsh sea.

Three fantastic men on stage with impressive, entertaining and inspiring stories to tell, made this a great night to remember. Thank you Cas, Jones and Emil!


Nyt julekosen, men vær aktiv!

juleløpingI 1966 ble det gjort en legendarisk studie i Dallas hvor effekten av total inaktivitet i tre uker ble studert. Den såkalte ”Dallas bed rest study” fant en økning i kroppsvekt, fettprosent og markant nedgang i kondisjonen etter denne perioden. 30 år senere fulgte de opp de samme deltakerne og undersøkte helsestatusen deres igjen. Som man kanskje forventer, så hadde både kroppsvekt, fettprosent og kondisjon gått ned fra de glade 20-årene (før de tre ukene med sengeligging). Det man derimot fant var at de var i bedre form etter 30 år med aldring enn det de hadde vært etter tre uker med inaktivitet! Det mange forskere forsøker å finne svar på, er om den nedadgående fysiske formen som er assosiert med aldring, i hovedsak skyldes redusert aktivitet i forhold hva folk hadde som som unge. Noe av dette ønsker vi i CERG også å belyse gjennom Generasjon 100-studien som du kan lese mer om i bloggen vår her!

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Enjoy the Christmas holiday, but stay active!

juleløpingIn 1966 a legendary study from Dallas was published where they studied the effect of total inactivity for 3 weeks. After this 3 week period, the so-called “Dallas bed-rest study” found an increase in body weight, body-fat and a marked decline in fitness level. 30 years later they followed up the same participants and re-examined their health status. As one might expect after 30 years of aging, both body weight, body fat percentage and fitness declined from the happy 20s (before the 3 weeks of bed-rest). However, they found that they were in better shape after 30 years of aging than they were after 3 weeks of inactivity! What many researchers are asking now is if the decline in fitness associated with aging is caused by lower activity level with aging compared to activity level as young.

Some of this we are trying to answer with the Generation 100 study, which you can read more about in our blog here!

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High intensity interval training does have a role in risk reduction or treatment of disease

To av løperne på "Kung Sture" tester kondisen på NextMove kjernefasilitet før St. Olavsloppet. Foto: CERG/Andrea Hegdahl TiltnesThis week the Journal of Physiology published a CrossTalk-series with the topic:  High intensity interval training does have a role in risk reduction or treatment of disease.

Traditionally the effect of exercise training and physical activity on risk of diseases and on their treatment has been studied mostly at low to moderate exercise intensities. However, during the last 15 years a growing body of evidence has suggested that exercise at high intensity may be superior low to moderate intensities in terms of treatment effects of such diseases and risk reduction. Ulrik Wisløff and Øivind Rognmo from K.G. Jebsen Center of Exercise in Medicine, together with Jeff Coombes from University of Queensland, argue for the use of high intensity exercise in this respect. You can read the CrossTalk at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1113/JP271041/abstract

UTFORSK – Collaboration makes us better

Fellesbilde UTFORSK Sao PauloThe UTFORSK project is a collaboration between CERG at NTNU and the University of Sao Paulo. Our primary aim with the project is to promote exchange of staff and students for a variety of activities such as collaboration in research projects, joint teaching, workshops and seminars in the field of Exercise Science. Last week we organized our first Seminar in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The goals of the Seminar were to summarize the research projects in collaboration and also to build new partnerships in research that will last beyond the duration of the project.

UTFORSK Seminar Bianco from Cardiac Exercise Research Group on Vimeo.

Increased fitness protected against the risk of sitting still

Javaid NaumanThere is now plenty of evidence that prolonged sitting increases diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Some office workers who also sit when commuting can sit for up to 13 hours/day, and data shows that sitting kills more people than smoking.

In an analysis of 26,483 (14,209 women) healthy Norwegians, more than 7 hours of sitting/day increased the risk for heart disease by 35% with every additional hour of increasing the risk by 5%. The study was recently published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (MSSE).

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KATP channels – important players in exercise-induced cardiac protection

Jasna MarinovicGuest blog: Collaborator Jasna Marinovic, Assistant professor at University of Split School of Medicine
Department of Integrative Physiology

Membrane potential is one of the most basic properties of all living cells that is vital for proper cellular function and homeostasis. At rest, most cells in our body exhibit negative membrane potential, which is primarily established via continuous efflux of potassium (K+) ions through their respective channels. In excitable cells, such as cardiac myocytes, K+-channel opening affects cellular excitability, action potential frequency and duration, with resulting impact on contraction strength, ionic balance, oxygen demand, etc.

Among different subtypes of channels specialized for conducting potassium, a unique group, which is expressed at high density in membrane of cardiac cells, are the ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels. Although under no-stress conditions they do not actively participate in action potential formation, their evolutionary conservation and abundance implicate their physiological importance. Indeed, the KATP channels serve as cellular metabolic sensors, opening in situations of cardiac stress and translating metabolic changes into alterations of membrane potential. Intactness of the KATP channels was shown essential for cardiac tolerance to stress and adaptations to increased workload, such as during increased blood pressure, chronic exercise, oxidative stress, as well as acute damage by cardiac ischemia. In humans, mutations in KATP channel subunits were found in a subset of patients with idiopathic heart failure and were associated with worse clinical outcome as compared to patients without the mutations.

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Kurs i klinisk tolking av kardiopulmonær testing

robot-hjerteKurs i klinisk tolking av kardiopulmonær testing, Cardiopulm, arrangeres for første gang i ved St.Olavs Hospital/NTNU torsda 14. og fredag 15. Januar 2016. Kurset er tilpasset leger, sykepleiere, fysioterapeuter, idrettsfysiologer og andre som jobber med testing og trening av pasienter og friske mennesker.

Kurset er en fin mulighet til nettverksbygging innenfor fagfeltet, og gir også godkjenning til flere spesialiteter innen hjerte, lunge og fysikalskmedisin. Blant neste års kurs høydepunkter kan vi nevne to foredrag av Marco Guazzi som er en av forfatterne bak veiledningen til klinisk tolking av test verdier (CPET) publisert av Europeisk og Amerikansk hjerte-kar foreninger. Han er ekspert på tolking av CPET og hjerte-kar helse, og vil holde foredrag om “CPET and the heart” og “Tolkning av høye ekvivalenter».

Her kan dere finne program for kurset!

Her er link til påmelding!

Velkommen til kurs 🙂

Økt kondisjon hjelper mot helseskadene fra stillesitting

Front page of Adresseavisen 7. December 2015 CERG forsker Javaid NaumanDet er nå nok av bevis for at langvarig sitting øker forekomsten av sykdommer som hjertesykdommer og diabetes. Noen kontorarbeidere som også sitter ved pendling kan sitte i opptil 13 timer daglig, og forskning viser at sitting dreper flere mennesker enn røyking.

Adresseavisen: Sitting er farling – hvis du ikke trener

En analyse av 26,483 (14,209 kvinner) friske nordmenn, viste at de som satt mer enn sju timer daglig økte risikoen for hjertesykdom med 35 prosent. For hver ekstra time med stillesitting økte risikoen med 5%. Studien ble nylig publisert i tidsskriftet Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (MSSE).

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